Crnogorski Telekom

Crnogorski Telekom is the largest telecommunication company in Montenegro that provides a full range of telecommunications services to business and residential customers.

The company is a front-runner in Montenegro when it comes to the network capacities and development – Crnogorski Telekom has the biggest and the fastest 4G and 5G network in Montenegro, while its gigabit fiber network is continuously developing.

Although telecommunications has always been the company’s core business, to remain the leader in the field, Telekom has had to evolve from a traditional operator to a company that values innovation and finding new ways to improve customers’ lives and their business.

Thanks to that, Telekom today provides customers with connectivity, business partners with safe, proven and reliable new technologies, and local communities with the opportunity to improve their work with citizens and overcome the digital divide.

As part of the DT Group, Telekom has integrated sustainability principles into its operations, while social and environmental criteria are at the core of the company’s decision-making process.