EBRD – The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is an international financial institution that was established in 1991. Initially focused on the countries of the former Eastern Bloc, the bank has expanded its operations to support development in more than 35 countries, from Central Europe to Central Asia and the southern and eastern Mediterranean. Through its financial investments, business services and involvement in policy dialogue, the bank supports its countries of operations on their path towards a sustainable market economy, one which is competitive, well-governed, green, inclusive, resilient and integrated.

In Montenegro, the EBRD has so far signed financing agreements for 85 projects, with a cumulative business volume of €801 million, while significant efforts have also been put into providing technical assistance and initiating policy dialogue. The bank’s current portfolio amounts to €359 million, of which 40 per cent is in energy projects, 34 per cent in transport and municipal infrastructure, 19 per cent in financial institutions and the rest in agribusiness and general industry.

For the coming period the bank will continue to support private-sector development in Montenegro, as well as the country’s further EU and regional integration and the associated Western Balkan connectivity agenda. In all these activities the bank will seek to align its operations with the priorities of the Government of Montenegro and will work closely with other international financial institutions, multilateral and bilateral donors, including the European Union.