Saga CG

Saga CG d.o.o. Podgorica, founded by Saga d.o.o. Beograd, works from April 2007 with full support of mother company .

In cooperation with Saga d.o.o. Beograd offers best solutions for clients in managing IT environment.

In 2009, Saga has become a part of New Frontier Group – the most promising group of ICT companies in Central and Eastern Europe.

Our representative clients are from telecommunications, financial and public sectors and manufacturing industries.

Activity: design, construction, integration and maintenance of IT systems • Network and Telecommunication Solutions (Telco / Carrier / Enterprise) • Systems to support operational and business processes of telecom operators (OSS / BSS) • Contact centers • Business Solutions (ERP, CRM, Content & Document Management., DWH / BI) • Development of business applications (e-banking, payment systems …).