
The following permanent specialized committees are established within the Council:

1. Talent and Human Capital Committee;

2. IT, Economic and Infrastructural Development Committee;

3. Rule of Law and Taxation Committee;

4. Green Economy Transition (ESG) Committee.

The management of the Committees is carried out by the members of the Board of Directors of the Council, in the manner that each member except the President manages one Committee.


In order to achieve its goals, Talent and Human Capital Committee shall implement the following activities:

  1. identification and recognition of talents in Montenegro, both among domestic resources and foreign investors, through conducting labour market analysis, talent and associated skills research, and establishing mechanisms for talent monitoring and evaluation;
  2. development of human capital through providing suggestions for improving education, professional development, and technical skills to ensure a qualified workforce that meets the needs of the labour market;
  3. partnerships between economy and education through providing suggestions for establishing closer collaboration between the Council and educational institutions to adapt the education system to the needs of the labour market (e.g., developing dual education practices, providing mentorship support to students and implementing professional internship programs). The committee will also be responsible for organizing an annual job fair;
  4. promotion and encouragement of entrepreneurship and innovation through support to entrepreneurs and providing suggestions for creating a more favourable environment for the initiation and growth of new business ideas.

The chairperson of the Committee is Mr. David Margason


In order to achieve its goals, IT, Economic and Infrastructural Development Committee shall carry out the following activities:

  1. continuously proposing measures that should significantly contribute to IT, economic and infrastructural development of Montenegro, thereby enhancing the operations of members of the Council. This would include the identification of priority sectors and specific activities that the Government of Montenegro would undertake;
  2. continuously providing suggestions to the Government for the development of physical infrastructure, such as transportation networks (roads, bridges, ports, airports), energy infrastructure (electric grid, energy sources), and other relevant sectors;
  3. continuously monitoring the development and improvement of IT infrastructure, including telecommunications networks, internet access, information systems and e-government. The Committee will also provide recommendations for enhancement, including identifying the needs of members of the Council and monitoring achievements and results;
  4. establishing partnerships and collaborations with relevant stakeholders, including the Government, private sector, academic community and international organizations.

The chairperson of the Committee is Mr. Branko Mitrović.


In order to fulfil its goals, Rule of Law and Taxation Committee shall engage in the following activities:

  1. providing suggestions for improving in matters of significance to members of the Council related to the rule of law;

  2. monitoring, analysing and proposing measures to improve the tax policy in Montenegro by evaluating the existing tax system, identifying weaknesses and obstacles and suggesting policies and reforms that will increase the efficiency, fairness, and competitiveness of the tax system;

  3. providing suggestions for improving public administration in Montenegro with the aim of enhancing efficiency, transparency, accountability and quality of public administration services;

  4. providing suggestions for improving the legislative framework to suppress corruption and promote transparency and accountability.

The chairperson of the Committee is Mr. Vasilis Panagopoulos.


In order to fulfil its goals, Green Economy Transition (ESG) Committee shall engage in the following activities:

  1. focusing on improving environmental sustainability in members of the Council through the identification of measures to reduce harmful gas emissions, protect natural resources, promote renewable energy sources, enhance energy efficiency, preserve biodiversity and ecosystems and encourage circular economy;

  2. providing suggestions for improving working conditions, respecting human rights, promoting inclusivity and equality, supporting social justice and protection of employees’ rights;

  3. promoting good governance in the context of sustainability through strengthening transparency among members of the Council, promoting accountability and ethical standards in business practices and supporting corporate social responsibility;

  4. promoting sustainable business practices and innovations.

The chairperson of the Committee is Mr. Remon Zakaria.