Becoming a Member

Membership Guidelines

1. Eligibility Criteria

Member of the Council may be legal entity established and doing business according to Montenegrin laws, in which one or more foreign legal entities with central office abroad or foreign natural persons exert substantial influence over the capital, other foreign investors according to the law governing foreign investments, as well as international financial institutions and other financial institutions operating on the territory of Montenegro.

2. Decision-Making Process

The Board of Directors decides on membership status by a majority vote, and this decision is communicated to the Assembly at its subsequent session.

3. Application Process

Prospective members must submit a membership admission form to the Executive Director, confirming acceptance of the Council’s Articles of Association and other governing acts. The Board of Directors reviews the application at its next session, with the decision being irrevocable.

4. Membership Fee

Upon approval, the candidate must pay the annual membership fee within 15 working days. Membership status is considered granted upon clearance of the fee in the Council’s account.

5. Honorary Membership

Honorary members may be invited by the Board of Directors. Corporate and Patron members can propose candidates for honorary membership. No written request is necessary.

6. Membership Types

The Council offers three membership types:

> Corporate Member – fee based on annual revenue:
up to 10 Mio. Euros – 1,500 Euros / above 10 Mio. Euros – 2,500 Euros annually

> Patron Members: 5,000 Euros annual fee

> Honorary Member

7. Voting Rights

Corporate and Patron members have voting rights in the Council’s Assembly, as well as the right to participate in the election of Council bodies.

For more details, please refer to the Council’s Articles of Association and governing documents.